The cloud diary, a conversation with the sky.

At twilight, the woman looked up at the sky. And while her eyes full of questions embraced the infinity of blue, she couldn’t be sure.

She asked:” Sky, who are you?”

The sky who didn’t have words but all the colours of the rainbow and a box of clouds, replied:

“I am a mirror on your wall

I am your thoughts and your mood

I am what you give me… 

What will you call me tonight?” 

In the empty hour, suddenly the woman could feel the weight of all this iron blue above her head.

Time ticked and tocked and stars appeared like tiny fires. Something that was always there but wouldn’t show in the light sky whispered encouragements…

The woman asked again, to herself this time: What do I call you?

Only then the sky answered:

                        “You call me Fire

You call me Rock

  You call me Home

  You call me Dark

  You call me Child

  You call me Punk

  You call me Shine

  You call me Friend

  You call me Paradise.”

At the end of the day, tired of so much light, the sky finally exhaled a last breath, a deep dark night blue jewel on the woman forehead,

while a bonfire lit her heart.


sketchbook from holiday